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Lincoln Police Union
Lincoln Fire Fighters Union
Lincoln Independent Business Association
Lancaster County Republican Party
Senator Pete Ricketts
Congressman Mike Flood
Attorney General Mike Hilgers
State Auditor Mike Foley
State Senator Robert Clements (LD 2)
State Senator Myron Dorn (LD 30)
Lancaster County Attorney Pat Condon
Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner
Lancaster County Commissioner Matt Schulte
Lincoln City Councilman Richard Meginnis
Fmr. Lincoln City Councilman Jon Camp
Fmr. Lincoln City Councilman Roy Christensen
Fmr. Lincoln City Councilwoman Cyndi Lamm
Fmr. Lincoln City Council District 2 Candidate Peter Katt
Col. (Ret.) Tom Nesbitt, Colonel, Nebraska State Patrol
Col. (Ret.) Ronald H. Tussing, Nebraska State Patrol
Chief Deputy (Ret.) Bill Jarrett, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
Chief (Ret.) Jim Peschong, Lincoln Police Department
Sheriff (Ret.) Vern J. Hjorth, Madison County
Emeritus Assoc Professor Don Costello, UNL School of Computer Science & Engineering
Republican National Committeeman J.L. Spray
Republican National Committeewoman Fanchon Blythe
Legislative District 25 State Central Committeeman Elliott Bottorf
Legislative District 25 State Central Committeewoman Stephanie Johnson
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