To Whom It May Concern:
Organizational scholars Andrew Schnackenberg and Edward Tomlinson suggests greater transparency can improve trustworthiness in organizations by helping to improve the public’s perception of their competence, integrity and benevolence. Transparency, accuracy and integrity should be a priority among elected officials especially when addressing the citizens that elected them. When their facts are incorrect in commercials or literature one has to wonder what else is incorrect?
I’m Tom Duden, running for City Council District #2 because the city’s law enforcement agency is overworked, understaffed and falling away from community-based policing. Similar to other failing democrat run cities, crime statistics are not reported. The Lincoln Police Department did not post its 2021 Annual Report until after March 29th after I began seeking information. Since then, the Annual Report for 2021 was posted but 2022 is still missing. Why the lack of transparency? The mayor’s assertion that she has added police officers every year is a LIE.
The citizens of Lincoln are entitled to the TRUTH. Crime is rising in Lincoln and the citizens are entitled to know why? Reporting Crime statistics in a city with multiple college campuses should be prepared in a manner similar to what is required by Federal Law of all universities and colleges as stated in the Jeanne Clery Act. LPD needs to post this information and quit hiding it. In regards to staffing at the Lincoln Police Department I have collected accurate information from management and I was informed by the Lincoln Police Union that two more officers quit on April 13, 2023 and indicate the department’s total is closer to 329.
As of this moment LPD management reports:
1 Chief
3 Assistant Chiefs
12 Captains
0 Lieutenants (5 were promoted to Lieutenant on 1-5-23)
53 Sergeants – (5) to Lieutenant
260 (258) Officers – (2 that resigned on 4-13-23)
= 327
In 2019 based on the annual report and LPD management the following was reported
1 Chief
1 Assistant Chief
15 Captains
52 Sergeants
284 officers
=353 total personnel
The number of actual officers on the street however is lower because specialized positions reduce this number. I’m not sure of what the numbers are for these positions currently, but in looking at information from the 2021 Annual report you can get an idea of what the numbers could be.
From 2021 Annual Report
Technical Investigations - 5 officers as investigators
Gang Unit - 4 officers as investigators
Special Victims Unit-7 officers as investigators
Criminal Investigations Unit - 19 officers assigned as investigators
School Resource Officers - ???
Lancaster County Drug Task Force - ??
35-45 Approximate personnel total can be subtracted
The number of officers responsible for calls for service could be 220-230 depending on the number of School Resource Officers and Drug task force officers.
Having 220-230 Officers approximately working the streets in a city of
Lincoln, Nebraska Population (2023) Population 295,222 is well under the National Average of 2.0 officers per thousand. Omaha is at 1.9, Grand Island is at 1.6 per thousand.
Officers Responding to Calls for Service is less than 1 officer per thousand. In addition, the mayor boasts about equity in her administration. LPD has 3 African-American officers and from a recent forum I learned that Lincoln’s African American community makes up approximately 4% of the population. Using those numbers LPD should have 13-14 African American Officers. Frankly, Joe Carroll did a better job in the 60’s.
If the current trend continues Lincoln will be less safe and crime will continue to rise.
Tom Duden
Candidate for Lincoln City Council District #2